Muskoka Drive-In becomes ‘Jurassic Park North’

The drive-in, which is calling itself Jurassic Park North for the NBA Finals, will broadcast the game for free on its original cement screen, built in 1952 on top of Canadian Shield rock. The game will also be broadcast on the drive-in’s second screen.

“We just thought it’d be a fun venue for the community at large to have in Muskoka and surrounding areas to come out and see it on the big screen,” William Alexander, owner of the Muskoka Drive-In, said.

The venue has 250 car spaces, but the drive-in will also accept walk-ins if all the spots for vehicles are taken.

“I would say we’re probably going to be pretty full,” Alexander said. “People can pack as many people as they want into the cars and come on in, and then if we hit our limit, we can still have walk-ins come into the park.”

The drive-in, however, will not be broadcasting Game 4 of the NBA Finals. “Unfortunately on the weekend, we’ve got movies playing, but Monday, Thursday and we’ll make arrangements if we have to go for Game 7.”

When the games are broadcast, the drive-in’s snack bar and barbecue will be open, and no outside food or drink will be allowed.

Gates will open at 7 p.m. and attendance will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Thanks to Global News


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